If you have got chance to try then you must have noticed the Online Pictures option under Insert tab. This means that a user does not have to leave the document to for images, then, download the same and insert it into the document.

One such thing is insertion of images and videos into a Word document directly from the web. Recently we had and understood that it has been built with a whole new set of features.

Format the text as you want it to appear when you insert the signature block in documents. Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010 and Word for Office 365: Type the information you want to use directly beneath the inserted signature image. Alternatively, you can check the Text watermark option to insert custom text into the background of your document. Insert Watermark into Microsoft Word Document Open Word and select Format > Backgrounds > Printed Watermarks: In the window that opens, check the Picture watermark option. Using Word's built-in tools, you can customize your watermark to any level of visibility and size, and create distinguishable documents for any occasion.
This quick tip will explain how to make your Microsoft Word documents more visually appealing through the use of a watermark.